
App Development: How it works and how to choose a partner

Discover more about app development, from optimizing user experience to choosing the right development partners

App Development: How it works and how to choose a partner


Digital transformation is becoming an increasingly significant force in the corporate world. Companies seeking to stay competitive and meet market demands must invest in technological solutions that can streamline processes and offer unique value to their customers. Within this context, let’s explore the importance of app development in greater detail.

Based on recent data from Pew Research Center, approximately 97% of Americans now own a smartphone, a significant increase from just 35% in 2011 when the first surveys on smartphone adoption were conducted. This dramatic rise highlights the rapid integration of smartphones into everyday life and the growing reliance on mobile technology for communication, information, and services. In 2023, 51% of users check their apps 1 to 10 times a day. The app market has seen significant spending growth, with Apple App Store users spending $134 billion and Google Play users $67 billion in 2023​ (Enterprise Apps Today).

According to a 2023 survey by Statista, 29% of American consumers reported using mobile payment methods like Apple Pay, Google Pay, or Samsung Pay for in-store purchases. This reflects a growing trend where mobile phones are becoming a common payment method in the U.S. as digital wallets and contactless payment options gain popularity. In 2021, more than four out of 10 US smartphone users had used a contactless payment at least once.

The app market, for both mobile and desktop devices, has been growing exponentially over the past few years. This growth presents a significant opportunity for businesses looking to evolve their strategies. With more users engaging with apps daily for various purposes—such as shopping, booking services, and making payments—the potential for businesses to expand their reach and enhance user engagement and productivity through tailored applications is vast.


App Development Projects: How Do They Work?


Developing an app is a multi-step process that involves several stages, from concept to delivery of the final product.

Successful app development requires a multidisciplinary team with technical skills, design expertise, and project management capabilities. Strategic planning and a well-defined marketing strategy are essential to ensure visibility and encourage adoption.


Defining the Scope

The first phase of any app development project is defining the scope. This includes outlining the app’s objectives, features, and functionalities, selecting the platform or operating system, considering technical and budgetary constraints, and identifying the target audience.

While some companies have a clear idea of what they want to develop and the technology they wish to use, others may need to spend more time in the discovery and planning phase.

“Often, the main challenge in app development is truly understanding the company’s needs by identifying its pain points,” says Rafael Peixe, Operations Manager at Meta IT. “It’s common for the goal of an app to be misguided when it’s hard to translate the problems presented into effective solutions. That’s why consulting can add value right from the start.”

According to Peixe, applying agile methodologies can be a significant advantage in situations like these, as it allows for a deep dive into the client’s reality and a thorough exploration of challenges and potential solutions through app development.

He adds, “In scenarios like this, it’s important to present validation sessions that include the insights gained and the proposed direction. We’ve had projects where the client also invited their team to review the material, leading to a constructive debate about the effectiveness of the proposed solution.”


Design and interface

Once you’re “getting hands-on,” it’s essential to design the app by creating the user interface (UI) and defining the user experience (UX) and usability. In most cases, it’s recommended that the professional or team responsible for this area be involved from the very beginning to document the design structure.

“Even before we start coding, there needs to be a design pattern in place to determine, for example, the colors and elements to be used. If needed, this can be coordinated with the client’s marketing team,” Peixe emphasizes. “For at least the last five years, it has been a standard practice at Meta IT to ensure these professionals are involved, given their importance in these projects.”



After that, it’s time to develop the app itself, using the appropriate programming languages and tools for each platform (iOS, Android, etc.). At this stage, the development team begins coding the app, which involves building its features, setting up databases, integrating with other platforms and services, and conducting performance analyses, among other tasks.


Quality control

Quality control is vital throughout the development process.

Regular testing ensures that the app functions correctly and meets quality standards. A final quality assurance stage includes usability, functionality, performance, and security testing, along with identifying and fixing any bugs or errors.


Launch and support

Finally, the app is launched on the app stores, and continuous monitoring is required to introduce updates that fix any bugs and ensure user satisfaction.

Once the app is live, it’s important to track the defined performance metrics to ensure it is meeting the goals set in the project plan.


Choosing the right development partner


While it is possible to develop apps in-house, not every company has a development team with the necessary skills or available time to take on a new project. Alternatively, there might simply be a preference for hiring professionals with extensive experience in the field who can ensure high-quality delivery within set deadlines, standards, and objectives.

In such cases, hiring a consulting firm or an app development company to take over the project can be the ideal solution.

“In one scenario, a company might hire in-house professionals for app development and focus on building knowledge before the project even begins. In another scenario, there’s the option of partnering with external companies that often have dozens of specialists with different expertise, helping to achieve better results in less time,” explains Rafael Peixe.

Partnering with an app development company can bring many advantages, so choosing the right one is crucial to ensure the project’s success. It’s essential to consider factors such as market reputation, the ability to deliver on time and within budget, openness to communication and expectation alignment, as well as the ability to provide support and maintenance after the app is launched.


Here are some useful tips to help with this task:


Review the portfolio of your options

Before hiring a company to assist with app development, it is important to review their portfolio and see if they have developed solutions similar to what you need. This can provide a good indication of the quality of their work and their experience in the industry.


Check their expertise in different types of applications

Find out if the company has expertise in different types of app solutions. For example, while some projects may require a native app, others might benefit more from a hybrid or web-based app, depending on the specific requirements.

The company you choose should have a strong track record in developing for major mobile platforms, such as Android and iOS, and should be familiar with emerging technologies.


Evaluate the app development company’s reputation

Consider the company’s reputation in the market by looking at client reviews, feedback, and the costs associated with their services. Learning more about their track record is one of the best ways to assess their potential performance as a partner throughout the project.


Do they use agile methodologies?

It is advisable to prioritize companies that use agile methodologies in their workflow. Agile methods are widely adopted in software development projects and have proven to be highly effective in various areas.

As mentioned earlier, these methods can also help clarify the client’s goals for the app. Benefits include improved product quality, reduced costs, and faster project delivery.


Pay attention to the contracted services

Make sure you are fully aware of the contract details to ensure compliance with your company’s policies and alignment with your needs.

Clearly define the project scope: What will be delivered? By when? At what cost? Aim for transparency regarding the agreed-upon scope, including a description of the contracted services, goals, project management and development requirements, deadlines, and potential support and maintenance models.


Success story: boosting sales through an app


Meta IT had the opportunity to work with a leading pharmaceutical company to develop a custom app aimed at boosting their mobile sales. The proposal was part of a broader move toward omnichannel sales, which involves unifying all channels—from physical to digital—to create a consistent and seamless shopping experience for the target audience.

With this goal in mind, Meta IT’s team was challenged to increase the app’s share of e-commerce sales to 20%, in a scenario where the website was the primary online sales channel.

The first step was understanding the key user demands regarding the existing app. From there, specialists were able to develop a solution that not only addressed previous issues but also offered a more intuitive and engaging user experience.

The revamped app was launched, and the results exceeded expectations. Sales through the mobile channel increased 30-fold, surpassing the goal set by the pharmaceutical company. The success was attributed to several factors, including a user-friendly interface, ease of use, app speed, and a well-planned infrastructure.

“This was an excellent success case because it often reminds us that an application needs to be scalable. For example, if an app typically handles 50 simultaneous accesses, we must also consider scenarios where it needs to support 100 times that amount,” says Rafael Peixe.

With this solution, the pharmaceutical company was able to reach a new audience that preferred shopping via mobile, significantly increasing its market share in this channel. Additionally, the app allowed customers to make purchases more easily and quickly, enhancing user experience and fostering customer loyalty.

Digital transformation remains a critical factor for businesses across all sectors. By partnering with a specialized consulting firm, companies can leverage technological solutions to enhance their competitiveness and navigate the challenges of recent years effectively.


Learn more about app development for your business

We are specialists in Digital Transformation.


Meta IT is a company with over 30 years in the market that opened its operations in North America in 2020. It offers digital transformation consulting and services, implementing technology solutions that accelerate results for large and mid-sized companies globally and supporting organizations and enterprises to rethink and update their business models. The company plans and executes projects that simplify the end-to-end digital transformation journey through strategic consulting, software development, application sustainment, SAP technologies, automation, also known as RPA, staff augmentation, and agile squads.